
Showing posts from July, 2020

This Might Be the End of Something, But It’s Not the End of You: Self-Forgiveness and Other Pandemic Realities

“ Writing is the way I build home ... There has been so much pain and loss and chaos, but the routine of writing is how I sort it out, how I withstand it. The stories we tell or the songs we sing or the wealth of immaterial resources are all that we can count on ... That’s where my imagination practice resides. That’s where my heart resides .”  —Saidiya Hartman Oh hi again! It’s me, again. Two posts in two months? Whoa now, let’s not get crazy. Welcome back to this blog all about feelings and feeling too much! A.K.A. things that are much more of a curse than a blessing during a pandemic and global health crisis. I hope this finds everyone well and healthy (at least physically) and that everyone is continuing to stay safe and act responsibly. This is usually where your employer’s email would say something about “adapting to this new reality.” This new reality , ladies and gentlemen. Please, can someone tell me what exactly that means? To paraphrase a screenshot of a tweet tha...